Month: February 2023

How Outpatient Rehab Works

Treatment programs for substance-use disorders are categorized into inpatient or outpatient. While both equally focus on rehabilitation, they offer unique attributes and benefits to patients. Unlike intensive inpatient treatment programs, outpatient treatment programs are part-time and allow flexibility. As mentioned in the YouTube video, a patient in this kind of rehab can continue to work, be a parent, and be active in the community.

People typically visit outpatient rehab facilities every week. They receive individual and group counseling and build a community with sober individuals.

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Who is The Right Candidate for Outpatient Rehab?

Outpatient programs are for those seeking to treat substance abuse disorder while going on with their everyday lives. Substance abuse disorder is a mental state where a person cannot control their use of alcohol or drugs.

How Do I Know if This is Right for Me?

This rehab program is for people who know that substance abuse is no longer within their control and are dealing with significant consequences. The flexibility of the outpatient program is suitable if you have other responsibilities that you cannot meet if you opt for an inpatient program.

Outpatient rehab helps build a recovery community around someone so they can adopt a more self-manageable way of living their life.


How to Be a Successful Realtor in 2023

Are you in the real estate business? If you are just getting started, the video offers sound advice on the professional habits you should adopt in order to make money in 2023. Realtors at all levels can benefit from it.

The first thing you must do is adjust your focus. If the market has shifted, you cannot continue to do the same things you have been doing.

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The shift may put you in a situation that you are unfamiliar with. If, for example, there has been an uptick in foreclosures, you must learn how to deal with that and leverage it to make your business thrive. You must also double down on the basics of being a realtor. Door knocking, cold calling, and attending networking events are traditional practices in the profession and you can be successful by doing them because quite often other realtors are not.

You must also nurture your clients. Realize that prospective clients may not be ready to sell or buy the moment you meet them. But if you keep in touch, you are likely to be the one they contact when they are ready to do so. Now you know how to succeed in real estate in 2023.


What Should You Expect During Your Visit to the Physiatrist?

Have you ever heard of a physiatrist? Most people haven’t. The specialty has been around since the 1930s and its first patients were victims of polio and the First World War. The video gives insight into pain management physiatry jobs and how these specialists help people.

Physiatrists differ from physical therapists in that they must have a medical degree and four years of training before they are allowed to practice. When you see a physiatrist, the first thing you will notice is that you are being listened to.

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All you need to do is explain your problem in plain words. The physiatrist will ask clarifying questions so that they can find out which tissue is at risk and what they may need to do to address it. The focus of a physiatrist is on tissue and limb function, which means they will provide you with an integrative and broad view of your problem.

You can go to this medical specialist for simple problems such as a sprained ankle or more complex problems such as chronic back pain. The first thing the physiatrist will do is review your medical history, which may include tests you’ve already had and images you’ve taken. They will then have you walk, bend, and go from sitting to standing. They will also check your sensations, muscle strength, and reflexes. They will then do special maneuvers on the affected joint. These are just some of the things you can expect to undergo when you visit a physiatrist.
